Kingdom Longings

Exploring how movies tell stories that meet us in our longings.




▸     What is the Kingdom of God? What do you imagine it is like?

Big Idea: The Kingdom of God

     Jesus prayed, “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, NIV) He invites us to bring the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. The best way to know what the Kingdom of Heaven is like is to look at the life of Jesus. He is the intersection of where heaven and earth overlap. His teachings, miracles, and relationships were designed to show us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.

     In Jesus’s teaching, he makes it clear that Kingdom Citizens are poor in spirit, pure in heart, meek, and they represent the salt and light of the world. He then describes how they deal with things like anger and lust (Matthew 5-7). Through this sermon, Jesus laid out the difference between the Kingdom Citizens and those who seem religious on the outside but lack transformation on the inside.

     Through Jesus’s miracles, we get a glimpse into the way things
are supposed to be. Jesus knew that a man with leprosy would never be on the side of the road or sick at all in the Kingdom of God, and to reflect that truth, he healed the man (Matthew 8:1-4). Similarly, Jesus knew a party would never end early in heaven, so he turned water into wine (John 2:1-11).

     Jesus’s relationships reflect how Kingdom Citizens should interact with others. Jesus invites and empowers his followers to seek out “your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” He created space for belonging, stood up for people, and humbled the self-righteous.

     The kingdom of God is what this world was created to be, what it will one day be and what God is working towards bringing into existence in our current reality.

Discussion Question

▸     In considering how Jesus brought heaven to earth, how can we bring the Kingdom of God into this world?

The FOUR CHAPTER GOSPEL is a great way to understand the Kingdom of God. Imagine that Heaven and Earth are like a Venn diagram. In Creation, heaven and earth are the same place—the garden of Eden. It is the place that God reigns and rules. In Fall, heaven and earth become two distinct places. In Redemption, they overlap with Jesus being the overlap between heaven and earth. In Consummation, heaven and earth become one once again.



▸  What does the character (or characters) long for? (e.g. family, belonging, safety, to be valued, to do something significant)

▸  Does the movie give any background for why the character is longing for that?


▸ What lies does the character believe?


▸ How does the character cope?


▸  What does the producer suggest as the solution? (often portrayed as character development)

▸  What difference does it make in the character’s life?


▸ How do you relate to the character’s longing?




Next Week

▸     Spend some time this week preparing your own micro-testimonies to share with the group next week! 

▸     Reflect on the questions, then write it down!

Make sure your group works through the MICRO-TESTIMONY WORKSHEET and prepares before sharing next week! Keep the testimonies to 5 minutes and choose one that has a clear resolution (Kingdom Solution).